Digital competencies for teachers' professional development through training: A conceptual model

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آمنة حسن دماس
إيمان محمد قطب


Over the past decades, society has undergone continuous changes due to digital technologies. These changes have now reached the environment of educational institutions, which made it necessary to provide training for teachers to qualify them digitally, and to be able to use technology to fully develop themselves in the digital age. While literature presents several approaches to teacher development, previous studies are considered incomplete because they do not emphasize the digital competencies that teachers possess in a digitally transformed world. Based on a comprehensive literature review, this research proposes a conceptual model of digital competencies focused on the professional development of teachers. This model suggests that digital competencies (professional engagement, digital resources, teaching and learning, assessment, and learner empowerment) are positively associated with teachers' professional development. In addition, it is suggested that training mediates the relationship between digital competencies and teachers' professional development. Among the most important recommendations: Conduct an empirical study to verify the proposed model's validity and the hypotheses.

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How to Cite
دماسآ., & قطبإ. (2023). Digital competencies for teachers’ professional development through training: A conceptual model. Mediu International Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, 513(12), 490-513. Retrieved from

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