Influence and influence among the world literature (Kalila and Dimna) model

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Hayam Al Mamaari, Dr


Islamic civilization has faced several levels of development and contact with other civilization, like any other civilization among the human being history. The human civilization concept contains races, cultures, literatures, knowledge, and rich languages. Accordingingly the general human literature was generally characterized as a cumulative literature. Literature and linguistics studies bear witness to this intellectual and cultural integration, which we are really afraid of letting it suffer from the modern globalization, and the need to make this studies stand tall and consistent, in order to make it a corner stone, not a destructive tool. We will take the book of (Kalilah and Demnah) as a case study on the effect of the contact between the civilization; its languages and literature, which stood the test of time and space, and broke the barriers. It represents a trade mark on the multidisciplinary of poems, proses, and symbols.

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Literary Studies