Short story and its evolution through modern means of communication

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Sobhi Boustani, Prof. Dr


The short story was always seen as a literary genre of the second degree compared to its "big sister" novel. It has been identified in comparison with the other one, although it has been well known in the West since the 19th century and in the East since the twentieth century. A number of writers resorted to it, including Naguib Mahfouz, its actual leader, who gave it after the aesthetic, social and political is undisputed Egyptian writer Youssef Idris. The size of the page plays a role in defining its structure. The daily press has developed the label from short story to very short story, and we see this clearly in the writings of the late Zakaria Tamer. For example, both Youssef Idris and Zakaria Tamer made the press a platform for publishing their literary output and expressing Political commitment, but modern means of communication, such as the Internet and the branch of the personal (blog) and the public opened the door wide to the writings of narrative in the form of story and story and be a few sentences or a few lines and take at the same time of daily events material. These means have re-developed and given a new direction.The problem posed by this research is twofold. On the one hand, this development raises the issue of the genre so that the researcher inquires about the location of these modern writings and whether it is short or very short story or is it another type that enters the so-called "quality"? On the other hand, we wonder about the role played by these writings from the social and political point of view, as they take their material from reality.

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Literary Studies