Teaching Arabic grammar in light of cognitive theory to develop Arabic language skills for Arabic non native speaker: a descriptive study

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Abdulwasiu Isiaq Nasirudeen


Abstract: Educational cognitive theory occupies a leading scientific position in the arena of the educational process in general, and the field of language teaching in its various arts in particular, where researchers draw from it and enhance their scientific, educational and social work based on teaching methods and methods, not to mention its effective role in designing content and setting the measurement of tests. From this perspective, this paper seeks to study the reality of teaching Arabic grammar to students who are non-native speakers of the Arabic language in the light of cognitive theory, with the aim of identifying the data of this cognitive theory in facilitating the teaching of Arabic grammar to non-native Arabic speaking students in order to achieve the desired goals of enhancing and developing linguistic skills among the learners. Based on the aim of the study, the researcher relied on the descriptive procedural method based on describing the social, educational and scientific phenomenon to teach Arabic grammar to learners of the Arabic language as non-native speakers. Based on the theoretical methodological study, the researcher then seeks for this study, based on cognitive theory, to lead to a set of results indicating a scientific and educational contribution towards enhancing Arabic language skills among non-native speakers in the context of teaching Arabic grammar.

 Keywords: Arabic grammar - cognitive theory - linguistic skills - speakers of other languages


Article Details

Linguistic Studies
Author Biography

Abdulwasiu Isiaq Nasirudeen, جامعة المدينة العالمية-ماليزيا

مركز اللغات- جامعة المدينة العالمية