Examples included in Arabic language curricula for the intermediate stage in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Its types and their impact on the educational process

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Badr Muhammad Eid Al-Hussein, Dr.



This research highlights the selected examples in the Arabic language curriculum (My Immortal Language) in the intermediate school stage, as an effective means to facilitate students’ understanding and perception of meanings.

The research demonstrates the importance of providing examples – in their various forms - in helping students mentally grasp concepts and establish connections between the examples and similar situations in daily life.

The research sheds light on different methods of using examples in realistic contexts that touch students' lives, helping them to enhance their ability to retain and share information with others.

The research aims to monitor the content and ideas included in the examples used in the mentioned curriculum and to demonstrate their impact on connecting students with their cultural identity and providing them with valuable knowledge and life experiences.

The research is expected to provide new insights that encourage researchers to explore the topic of examples in the curricula of other educational stages.

Keywords: Examples, Educational Process, Curriculum, Educational Strategies

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Linguistic Studies