The impact of virtual classrooms on the linguistic achievement of students of the Arabic Language and Literature Department at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

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Layali Abdulhakem
Radhwa Abubakar


Abstract: The study aimed to identify the impact of virtual classrooms on the linguistic achievement of students of the Arabic Language and Literature Department at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM),This was achieved by examining the educational tools utilized in these virtual classrooms to support language proficiency for students in the Arabic


Language Department at the International Islamic University and identifying the positives and challenges faced in this context. The results revealed that teachers primarily rely on multimedia in virtual classrooms to enhance language proficiency for students. While the majority of students demonstrated significant improvement in reading skills due to virtual classrooms, they encountered difficulties in reading and understanding literary texts during these sessions. This study underscores the importance of developing and enhancing virtual teaching methods and providing appropriate support for students to overcome linguistic challenges in these classrooms, thereby contributing to the effectiveness of distance learning in the field of Arabic language and literature.

key words: Virtual classrooms, distance education, educational technology, Covid-19 pandemic, linguistic achievement, Arabic language skills.

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Linguistic Studies