Aliashtiqaq Walmushtaqaat fi allugha (alsinghawiati)

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Moussa Hamey Maiga
Abdulwasiu Isiaq Nasirudeen, Assoc. Prof. Dr


ABSTRACT: This research deals with: “Derivation and derivatives in the Singawi language.” The term derivation is used to indicate the formation of words in which it is possible to distinguish between meaningful units, to which other elements are attached that do not have a meaning except when combined with others to form a new word, and it is called the affix unit. A derivational morpheme and the unit attached to it “a root word.” Knowing derivation and derivatives in the Singawi language requires understanding: the system of formulating derivations in the Singawi language, and knowing the method of formulating derivatives in it. This is all through the descriptive approach. It is concerned with describing the study as it is in reality and describing it accurately in order to reach conclusions that contribute to development and change. The analytical approach is concerned with analyzing the study data and showing the relationship between its components. Based on the above, it is concluded that derivation in Singai is a tabular characteristic subsequent to the presence of words and does not precede it, as in Arabic. Singawi, in balance with Arabic, is derivational in many of its vocabulary, so it has similarities to Arabic in this phenomenon.

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Linguistic Studies