Forensic linguistics is an applied analytical study in the Holy Qur’an (The story of Joseph and his brothers as an example)

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Muhammad Rashad Al-Najjar, Assoc. Prof. Dr



ABSTRACT: Forensic linguistics is one of the branches of applied linguistic studies, where linguistic means are used for criminal investigation of offences of which linguistic use is some of the evidence; For example, in identifying a person’s method of writing a letter related to the crime, or in examining recorded audio evidence, Its importance is that it can resolve the circumstances of these cases, which lack a linguistic expert who analyses the language of the case in all its details; The linguistic effect is of paramount importance to the conduct of investigations and proceedings, and the linguistic effect (spoken and written) is fully reserved at the crime scene with the full criminal effect, This paper is applied in nature from the Holy Quran to infuse a stimulating scientific spirit that enables it to probe this field; An honourable person has the effect of identifying traces and linguistic evidence proving the offense, or of acquitting the accused of all the consequences of his accusation and prosecution.


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Linguistic Studies