comparison between the biographies of prominent writers Muhammad Busiri Salman Aki and Muhammad I Abu Bakr as a mode

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Musa Husain Muhammad -Bashir, Dr.



This article aims to provide a balance between the two autobiographies of the northern Nigerian authors: Muhammad al-Busairi Salman Aki and Muhammad al-Awwal Abu Bakr, highlighting the aspects of agreement and divergence between their two biographies, so that we can stand on the extent of the subsequent churn of butter for the former and how the former influences the later with the spatial distance between them and their distance The scientific institutions that produced each of them, and the balance between them revolves around the following points: the translation of the life of Muhammad al-Basir Salman Aki al-Illuri, his scientific journey to Egypt, the translation of the life of Muhammad I Abu Bakr, the similarities between the two biographies, the differences between the two biographies, and the artistic image or artistic photography. Imagery), and the difference in terms of form and content, coalition and difference together, and the unique aspects of each of the writers.

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Literary Studies