Alimlah Arabiy Wanamuzag Muktara Litaliim Qawaid Hamzat Almutawasitat Wamutatarifah Linatikina Bigairi Arabiyyah.

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Talal Abdallah ALMARASHDI



This research attempted to show the importance of (the science of spelling) among the sciences of Arabic and its interest in the principles of correct writing, which aims to infallibility of the pen from making mistakes, whether for the Arab or for the non-Arab student, and the research has tried to answer several questions which are: What is the concept of spelling and its problems, For students who are not speaking Arabic? What are the desired goals of teaching dictation for students who are not speaking Arabic ?, and one of the questions that he tried to search for was what are the reasons for the difference of scholars in the provisions of some rules of spelling, and what is the role of spelling error in distorting the meaning? And what is the relationship of dictation education with the integrative method in building the curriculum? And finally, what are the suggested models that were presented to teach the spelling rules for non-Arabic speaking students?The results of this research were that the model presented by the researcher is a model based on scientific foundations and what is called today (language engineering), and not a form of imagination, or randomness. It is also the results, that the dictation material must be presented in an easy way away from the differences and the ramifications, and this science must be refined before it is presented to the students, especially non-Arabic speakers. It was also from the results of the research that the complementarity between the lessons of spelling and Arabic lessons, or other academic subjects is of great benefit in mastering this science. Finally, attention should be paid to studying spelling as other lessons and be given the right to the number of lessons to be taught.


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Linguistic Studies