Izaa Shartiyya Gairi Jaazimah fi Diwan ibn Muqbil

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Khaldoon Marei Ibrahim Haddad Ibrahim Haddad



This research is aiming at studying the tool (إذا) and the way it is used in: (أسلوب الشّرط غير الجازم) which is the (un imperative conditional style) taken from the early native language speakers, In Tamim's Dewan, and in the framework that is extracted in its initial use, and what was mentioned in the Dewan and offers an analytical statistical study for this tool, in addition to showing how this tool was fitting into the sentence, the scholar from old time mid-time as well the modern scholar for using this tool and comparing these opinions, then the researcher offers this opinion after those presented by the scholars or what he is satisfied with. The importance of this research is that it has not been -as per the knowledge of the researcher- dealt with earlier by any other the researcher directly in studying this tool in Tamim's Dewan.

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Linguistic Studies