The poetry of asceticism at the time of Abu al-Ataheya and Abu Ishaq al-Albiri Comparison Study

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Abduloh Usof, Asst. Prof. Dr
Abdul Halim Samae, PhD



The research aims at presenting a study of the balance of ascetic poetry at Abu al-Ataheya and Abu Ishaq al-Albiri, which was chosen because of the similarity of motives in the poetry of asceticism among the poets. The balance came between them first: in terms of language and style, the researchers found that Abu Ishaq Elbiri tends in his poems to the sections, and the use of long seas, and rhymes, as if his poems mimic the poems of Abi Ataiah in terms of form and content as well, spoke Elbiri about death and punishment and the account and the Hereafter. We also found that both poets have many news and construction sentences, such as appeal, questioning, command and prohibition. Secondly, in terms of the technical picture, the researcher studied the art of metaphors. The researchers chose one poem for each of them, but he did not find in this poem many images of metaphors. In this study, the researchers relied on the method of induction and analysis, using the poets' library and the relevant sources and references.

Keywords: poetry asceticism - balance - language poetry - artistic image

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Literary Studies