The concept of phoneme phenomenon in phonemic study

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Kabir Adam Muhammad, PhD



The phoneme Phenomena is a Morden Terminology which had a numeral functions in determining the meaning of a Words or Sentences, and this is applicable in all Human Languages with regardless of the Family affiliation of the Languages such as Geographical, Grammatical, or Morphological affiliation, This is because, it was confirmed from the Scholars that the Theory of Phoneme is a Morden idea which was relayed by the contemporary Scholars in analysing the Word and Sentences a particular Language. And it is an important innovated term of Science of Knowledge. This research is aim at the Meaning of this Phenomena and its function in Human Language, as well as elaborating the Position of Scholars of Linguistic on Phoneme in Phonetics. This study is built on descriptive method. At the end the Researcher comes up with findings which include thus: Phoneme is Linguistic term which determines the meaning of Words in all the Sentences. Phoneme plays a vital role in connecting the Letters in constricting the Sentences of a Language. Arabic Language fall under the family Phoneme Language. Therefore conducting research in this topic is very vital in Linguistics.

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Linguistic Studies