Motivations to learn Arabic language for Chinese students in their homeland

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Chang Weiwei
Nik Farhan Binti Mustapha, PhD
Pabiyah Hajimaming @ Pabiyah Toklubok, Ass. Prof. Dr.
Ng Boon Sim



When any learner sets to increase his cognitive assets by acquiring a brand-new language, he is poised to confront difficulties and obstacles, but through insistence and perseverance, he will overcome them. Particularly for whom who learn it in his homeland. Therefore, it is worthy to mention the precursors that incite the learners to attain the objective and realistic the issues targeted in this approach is to know the various motivations that instigate Chinese to learn Arabic in its two aspects: the challenges and incentives. Because Chinese students face many hindrances when it comes to Arabic learning.  The author will approach a method that is appropriate to such type of field-based study, which is the field approach that deals with the text. The data is collected by an interview with ten Chinese students who study Arabic at the Eurasian Language College at the University of Foreign Languages in Hebei Province. Therefore, this paper aims at identifying the external incentives that urge the Arabic learning for Chinese students in their homeland and that will be analysed within some form of tables that are ad hoc to this types of studies willing to reach a conclusions that the researcher seeks to. It is expected that this analysis and results would be useful for the chines students who endeavour to learn Arabic and for many others non-native Arabic speakers who are in the course of learning it.

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Linguistic Studies