"The six prepositions mentiond with the word of heart in the Holy Quran "Grammaeical Semaetic study"

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Zeinab Hashim Gomaa Abo Zaid, Ass. Prof. Dr.



This study addressed the compositions in which the Heart  word tugged with     dragged chacters, and the definition of   prepositions linguistically and idiomatically, its nomenclatures, grammatically and semantically functions including rotation, expanding, inclusion and its usefulness. The study offered a model applied with the inverted word tugged with dragged character B in the Quran. The study came with certain results, which revealed the secret of Quranic systems in use of preposition, without the other, and the survival of each dragged letter on the origin of meaning, even if it was said included. Finally, with regard to the recommendations of the prepositions in the Quran, such as away from use of terms: redundant letters, moonshine, or letters droppings ;so as not said there is an excessive and launch the terms traction relevant characters or Prepositions confirmatory.                                                                                                                                                               

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Linguistic Studies