Wisdom in Pre-Islamic poets elegy

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Zahra Wahdani



Wisdom in whimper is shown more than any other poetical objectives in Pre-Islamic time, which is full of experiences of a poet and his rational reflections. The most famous Pre-Islamic time’s poet is Labid-ibn Rabieh in this regard that his wisdom in his whimpers was with  high `standard with honesty in words and term sobriety. Researchers of Pre-Islamic time have studied so much but upto now they have not attained this category of wisdom aspects. This article presents it in an analytic-descriptive method the wisdom in sample poems in elegy telling and poets of this time had no mental and intellectual aspects by some of guilty researchers. Studies show that wisdom is shown in poems of Pre-Islamic poets based on experience and views of poet to the life and death. Poets preferred it for human and moral values, in these poems there some points of believing in God and Last Day, asceticism and advice, inviting to patience and internal purification. Some poets use myths especially animal myth for achieving to attracting people’s attention toward accepting views and advices. Wisdom is an obvious phenomenon in Pre-Islamic poets’ elegy which didn’t care about it.

Keywords: Poem- Pre-Islamic time- elegy- Wisdom- Labid-ibn Rabieh

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Literary Studies