Arabic as a major component to inculcate the value of belonging to Muslims reading in its glorious past, and its promising future

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Ashraff Hasan Mohammad, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Mohamed El-Shrkawy, Assoc. Prof. Dr.



There is no doubt that Arabic is one of the components of Arab cultural identity, which is a symbol of the unity of Muslims, and also the language chosen for the revelation of the Koran; to eternity. And even if hostility to Islam exists and continues until the end of Hour. The hostility to the language of Islam and the Koran exists up to now and continues.The most important manifestations in the fight against the enemies of Islam to the asceticism of the language deen. I hereby put forward this research paper to the hands of the reader. As a language and identity. Arabic is a major component that inculcates the value of belonging to Muslims. Reading in its glorious past, and its promising future. "

Language as a great basis for establishing the value of belonging to Muslims. The main research problem   is to describe the reality of the current language. And the limitation of the Arab in the reality of the scientific and a cultural nation, and try to answer some of the questions, including: What are the challenges facing Arabic language the danger of spreading foreign language education to identity and identity, and how to make the future of the language better? And how can the language instill the value of belonging to Muslims, and whereas there is a common identity among them, and the that the preservation of identity and religious belonging imposition and constitutional duty altogether. The objectives of the research are to highlight the importance and value of language as a major component to instill the value of belonging to Muslims, We seek in this research to achieve the objectives of the statement of the status of language as a great basis for instilling the value of belonging to the Muslims and find a common identity among them, and its significance as it’s supposed to be,.  And the importance of research lies well as a statement of what it was in the past and the future, and what should be expected in the future, the research approach, is descriptive analytical approach. Next. Keywords: elements of identity, unit code, value of belonging, future of language.

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Linguistic Studies