Analysis of the colonial and postcolonial discourse in the Maghreb novel (The Algerian novel is a model)

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Fatiha Chefiri, Dr.




The colonialist and postcolonial discourse carries well-established cultural contexts closely linked to the historical contexts that it produced,The scholars have shown the importance of these historical contexts in writing this type of discourse,The first type is based on the consecration of the so-called stereotype of colonizer and colonized,

The colonizer sees himself as the advanced superior being that came to bear the civilization of the other (eastern), which must be controlled together with the  land and wealth,The colonizer is the savage ackward creature who is waiting to be tamed,We have in this a number of examples of global literary speeches such as the play "Storm" by William Shakespeare, which gave him both Edward Said and Raja debate so-called reading Crab,, To make sure that colonial rhetoric produces, as Edward Said says, a culture that is not innocent.The cultural product of the postcolonial discourse differed from the cultural product of the colonial discourse To find the colonized peoples themselves in front of two different cultures differ from the original first from the core of the land and the second alien inherited from the colonizer,The intervention of this intellectual self is always a matter of judgment, as Abdullah Al-Arawi says, with a double negation and proof This self lived sychological exile continued time and place led either to the scaffolding or to connect with the colonizer when he intended his space to enter under his culture again,We have chosen the most appropriate approach to address our chosen topic.

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Literary Studies