The degree of possession of the skills of creative thinking by sixth grade female students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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رهام سليمان محمد المويس
رقية إسماعيل ناجي الدعيس



The aim of the current research is to investigate the degree to which sixth-grade primary schoolgirls in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia possess creative thinking skills through the use of the quasi-experimental approach with one of its designs of a pre- and post-test design for equal groups. For the scientific thinking skills specified in the current research, which deal with fluency, flexibility, originality, and problem solving. To achieve the objectives of the study, research tools and materials were prepared, which was represented by the achievement test, and this study found that the overall performance of creative thinking skills for mathematics was 35%, which is a weak percentage that has not yet reached the sufficiency limit specified in the research, which is (75%). which indicates that the sixth-grade students were not able to master the creative thinking skills of mathematics, and did not reach the level of mastery, either at the level of one skill or at the overall level of all skills. In light of the results of the study, the researcher recommended the development of executable plans according to the possibilities available to schools and educational administrations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to implement the project learning strategy in teaching mathematics at the primary level.

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How to Cite
المويسر., & الدعيسر. (2022). The degree of possession of the skills of creative thinking by sixth grade female students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Mediu International Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, (4). Retrieved from

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