
Usman Jakfar
Pinta P Siregar


This study aimed to see how far the influence of Islamic knowledge among Indonesian women migrant workers in Johor Baharu and its relationship with the mental health. Data was obtained from participants of Pre wedding Seminar and found that half of the sample had a hard time making decisions and anxiety, emotional and tense and easy to feel tired. One third of the sample easily frightened, disturbed digestion and easy to cry. Some of them are easy trembling body, difficult to focus, think not happy, difficult to enjoy activities, cannot spare time in the free time. The number of samples has good knowledge of Islam and good mental health, with Chi Square test P value <0.05 and correlation test with Pearson P Value <0.05 indicate a significant relationship between Islamic knowledge and mental health. Therefore, these discrepancies are need for them to recognize their own potential and think positive to overcome problems by moving closer to Allah.


الدراسات الإسلامية


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