اختيارات ابن أبي زيد القيرواني في الخلع والظهار واللعان من خلال كتابه النوادر والزيادات( دراسة فقهية مقارنة)

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فاروق صديق تلي
د. دكوري عبد الصمد


This research studies jurisprudential opinions of Ibn Abi Zaid Al qairawaaniy on Al- khul, Al- zihar, and Al- li,an. Despite the fact that Iman ibn Abi Zaid was one of the recognized notable scholar in Maliki school of law, but that doesn,t prevent him from having his own independent legal opinions which are contrary to Maliki school of law( Mazhab), especially issues that are regarded as famous in the Mazhab. The research aims to Identify the jurisprudential opinions of this notable scholar from his book of '' Annawadir wa zziyadat'' on some selected issues related to khul, Zihar, and Li,an, by comparison between his legal opinions and the opinions of other scholars inside and outside the Mazhab. The researcher adopted an inductive and descriptive analytical approach in the research. The research has reached to findings, most importantly: The authenticity ownership of the book of '' Annawadir" by the scholar, also based on the issues discussed in this research; ibn Abi Zaid Al qairawaaniy had disagreed with Maliki school of law on three famous issues, and that he had agreed with them on only one issue.

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Islamic Studies