A Comprehensive Analysis of Recent Flood Disaster & Their Economic Impact on Pakistan Economy & Its Causes

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Muhammad Ali
Al-harath Abdulaziz Ateik
Abdoulrahman Aljounaidi


In the current situation, Pakistan is not only suffering from political crisis but also from severe economic crisis. At present, Pakistan cannot bear the burden of any kind of minor crisis, whether it is social, political, and economic or any other type of crisis. At present, the external debt of Pakistan iOS $110b Billion & internal debt in Pakistan touching the sky Public debt of Pakistan is around 54 Trillion PKR ($248.7Billion) which is 80.2 percent of Gross Domestic Product. At present Pakistan is taking package of  $1 Billion from the IMF (International Monetary Fund),At the same time floods start from the northern province of Pakistan KPK (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) area in Pakistan & cause the irreparable damage to this province as well also spreading destruction through south Punjab Province & its adjacent area & also spread destruction in Provinces Sindh & Baluchistan. According to a conservative estimate, the flood caused an economic loss of $30 billion in Pakistan quarter of the country external debt.   

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