E-Services Adoption Among Consumers in Oman: Employing Technology Readiness Model 2.0 to Analyse E-Services Adoption With Particular Focus on Gender

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Abdulkadir Shehu Abdulwahab
Maged Mustafa Al-Dubai


The study employed the Technology Readiness Model 2.0 to assess consumer readiness for e-Service adoption in Oman. The model's four primary constructs—optimism, inventiveness, discomfort, and insecurity- are applied to explore the effects on consumer adoption of e-Services. The study proposed that gender would moderate the impact of the critical constructs on the adoption of e-Services. Three hundred thirteen (313) responses, or 82% of the total sample size of 385, were gathered from Oman residents and citizens. The data were analysed using SmartPLS 4. The results showed that optimism and inventiveness have positive and significant effects. In contrast, discomfort and insecurity have a positive and insignificant impact on customer adoption of e-Services—no moderating influence of gender among the independent variables towards the dependent variable. The study has significant implications for how e-Service providers should develop crucial consumer-focused strategies. The study offers one of the few attempts to determine technology readiness among Oman's consumers while taking gender into account.

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