Review on Semantic Document Clustering

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SK Ahammad Fahad
Wael M.S. Yafooz


Now the age of information technology, textual document is spontaneously increasing over online or offline. In those articles contain Product information to company profile. Lot of source generate valuable information into text in medical report, economical analysis, scientific journals, news, blog etc. Maintain and access those documents are very difficult without proper classification. Those problems can be overcome by proper document classification. Only a few documents are classified. All are need classification and those are unsupervised. In this context clustering is the only solution. Traditional clustering technique and textual clustering have some difference. Relations between words are very import to do clustering. Semantic clustering is proven as more appropriate clustering technique for texts. In our paper we are going to provide valuable information about clustering to semantic document clustering technique. We will try to provide information about advantage and disadvantage for various clustering methods.

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Artificial intelligence


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