Electronic government Services Usage, Adoption and Evaluation: A Review Paper

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Rabiu Ibrahim
Shadi M.S. Hilles
Shamsiyya Muhammad Adam
Yousef El-Ebiary


This article provides information about the electronic government services adoption, usage, and evaluations; in addition to that it discusses the technology acceptance model used in the topic area as well as the theoretical framework that are constructed in this field. This paper presented number of relevant authors and there focuses area in both developed and developing nations. Some discoveries were made during this study, this includes the comparison on the e-government services within the US cities and other research are comparison between the selected developed nations. Finally few suggestions were found based on the electronic government services in the Federal Republic of Nigeria in addition to other developing nations.

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Artificial intelligence
Author Biography

Rabiu Ibrahim, Faculty of Computer & Information Technology, Department of Computer Science, Al-Madinah International, Malaysia. Collage of Applied Medical Sciences, Basic Sciences Department, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Saudi Arabia

Rabiu Ibrahim was born December 07, 1982 in Ringim, Jigawa State Nigeria. He did his undergraduate studies at University of Wales, UK. He received his Bachelor of Sciences with Second Class Upper (Honors) in English in 2007. MSc. from University Technology Malaysia in 2009, and Currently as a PhD. Candidate in Al-Madinah International University. He have worked in many sector including government and privet sector, in and outside the country. Have multiple experiences in culture and environment.


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