نظرية المعرفة والنزعة الحسية عند فويرباخ (1804-1872)


Walaa Muhammad Khateeb


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, who has guided us to this understanding. We would not have reached this insight without Allah's guidance. May peace and blessings be upon the noblest of Allah's creation, Muhammad, peace be upon him.The core issue addressed in this research revolves around the concept of epistemology, particularly as understood through the perspective of the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach. Specifically, it delves into his adherence to the sensory method as the primary means of acquiring knowledge. Within the depths of his philosophical framework, this approach accentuates the limitations that arise when knowledge is solely confined to the realm of the senses and the material world.By restricting the acquisition of knowledge exclusively to sensory experiences and asserting that knowledge is inherently material, closely tied to the physical world, these propositions lead to unsatisfactory outcomes. This philosophical stance begins with the denial of the existence of a Creator, disbelief in the unseen, and the outright rejection of religion as a whole. Religion, with its elements of the unseen and revelation, holds a significant place in human acceptance. Consequently, the essence of religion revolves around submission, obedience, and compliance.In response to Feuerbach's sensory philosophy, this research embarked on an exploration of Islamic epistemology to establish a correct Islamic perspective on sensory inclinations and various theories of knowledge. Did Islam entirely negate the role of the senses? Did it exclusively endorse them as the primary source of knowledge acquisition? Or did it assign them their appropriate place in the process of acquiring knowledge while recognizing the validity of other means?This research applied rigorous scientific methodologies, striving for objectivity and sound argumentation. It provided a historical overview of epistemology and the evolution of knowledge acquisition theories, employing an inductive and historical approach. When examining Feuerbach's philosophy, an analytical method was applied. In elucidating the accurate Islamic stance on epistemology, a comparative approach was adopted, drawing insights from the genuine Islamic theory of knowledge as guided by the Quran and Sunnah (teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him).Among the principal findings of this research is Feuerbach's heavy reliance on the sensory method for acquiring knowledge, which led him to reject religion, deny the existence of the unseen, and declare his atheism. He considered materialism as the sole true reality in the world, dismissing everything else as mere illusions. The research culminates with a recommendation for conducting more extensive research in the realm of epistemology and underscores the peril of exclusively adhering to the sensory doctrine as the solitary path to knowledge acquisition.


قسم العقيدة والدعوة

الأعمال الأكثر قراءة لنفس المؤلف/المؤلفين

عذراً: هذه الإضافة تتطلب تمكين إضافة إحصائيات/تقارير واحدة على الأقل حتى تتمكن من العمل. إن كانت إضافات الإحصائيات لديك تقدم أكثر من مقياس واحد، فعليك أيضاً اختيار مقياس رئيسي منها عند صفحة إعدادات الموقع و/أو عند صفحات الإدارة الخاصة برئيس تحرير المجلة.