The Fifth Generation of Mobile Network as the Core for the Industrial Revolution 4.0

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Hamed Alsuhli


Abstract - This paper provides an overview about the coming 5th generation of mobile technology which integrates all previous computer and mobile technology, and the next phase of industry development called the 4th industrial technology and how it depends on the success of developing 5G, the main aim of this paper is to present cyber-physical system and the big challenges of new infrastructure of Internet service provider based on 5G wireless broadband system, interconnected devices smart and non-smart devices will adapted internet of things and allow big data to evaluate and analysis data more efficiency in cyber-physical space, the paper investigated in literature review and studies previous work of 5G heterogeneous network and internet of things.

Keywords— mobile network heterogeneous, 5G, Broadband, IoT, IR 4.0,

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Data Science and Smart Campus